
Hamstrings | Injuries & Treatment Strategies

Hamstrings | Injuries & Treatment Strategies

Aug 8, 2018

Hamstring injuries are caused by the overloading or overstretching of the hamstrings. The type of hamstring injuries can be acute or chronic and there treatment and prevention are quite different. Read more

Types Of Pillows For A Better Night's Sleep

Types Of Pillows For A Better Night's Sleep

Aug 2, 2018

Pillow plays a vital role in your daily sleep. A lousy pillow can give you problems, in the neck, back, shoulders and can cause you restlessness, as you try to find a comfortable position to sleep. How can you tell which pillow is best for you? Read more

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | What Are The Treatment Options?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | What Are The Treatment Options?

Jun 11, 2018

If you have the carpal tunnel syndrome, it may look like that surgery is the only solution. But what if we tell you that there are a few different treatment options you could take to postpone the surgery and continue having a good quality of life. Read more

Scoliosis: What Is It & How Can You Avoid It?

Scoliosis: What Is It & How Can You Avoid It?

May 22, 2018

Scoliosis is an ailment connected to the spine in a human body. A scoliosis curve usually looks a bit like a backward C shape and involves the spine bending sideways to the right Read more

Tendonitis | How Do You Treat It & Prevent It?

Tendonitis | How Do You Treat It & Prevent It?

May 9, 2018

Tendonitis is a tendon injury, which is also known as tendinitis, tendinopathy, and tendinosis. Tendinopathy can occur in any tendon of the body. Tendon injuries occur due to the tendons inability to cope with the loads placed on them, through increased weight, repetitions or speed. Read more

Weight Training | How To Avoid Injury & To Keep Training

Weight Training | How To Avoid Injury & To Keep Training

May 2, 2018

If you have just started weight training, or have found yourself with an injury from hitting the gym, you should know that there are seven common reasons we see people with sports injuries following weights training. But there are injury prevention strategies you can use. Read more

Sleeping | Benefits Of Good Sleeping Habits

Sleeping | Benefits Of Good Sleeping Habits

Apr 12, 2018

The ability to sleeping well directly affects your physical and mental well-being. You should focus on getting 8 hours of sleep each night. Most people do not do this, and they are miserable the next day and cannot function at 100 percent. Sound like you? Read more

Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain | Hidden Cause

Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain | Hidden Cause

Feb 21, 2018

Longtime sufferers of chronic musculoskeletal pain know the drill of being referred for increasingly complex scans only to leave with unremarkable results. A growing body of research has identified microscopic scars as a big reason for chronic pain and injuries. Read more

Back Pain During Pregnancy | How To Ease Your Pain

Back Pain During Pregnancy | How To Ease Your Pain

Feb 12, 2018

Most women know how much back pain hurts during the months leading up to the birth of their baby. But very few women realise very few women realise that physiotherapy can do a lot to ease back pain. Read more

Pre-Season Screening | Injury Prevention Tips

Pre-Season Screening | Injury Prevention Tips

Feb 7, 2018

Before starting/recommencing any competitive sport or any new physical activity, it's critical that any existing or pre-existing injuries and muscle imbalances can be determined, addressed and treated to reduce a person's risk of suffering a minor or severe injury in Pre- Season Screening. Read more

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