NDIS Physiotherapy: A Guide to Accessing the Support You Need

Jonathan Moody
CEO & Founder


  • Provides a comprehensive guide to accessing NDIS physiotherapy support.
  • Discusses the importance of physiotherapy in the context of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and its role in promoting mobility, functional independence, and overall well-being.
  • Provides insights into the process of accessing NDIS physiotherapy support, including eligibility criteria, planning, and funding considerations.
  • Offers examples of specific physiotherapy services and interventions that may be covered under the NDIS, such as assessment, therapeutic exercises, equipment prescription, and mobility aids.
  • Discusses the collaborative approach between participants, healthcare professionals, and NDIS planners in developing personalized physiotherapy plans and goals.
  • Emphasizes the importance of regular communication and ongoing reviews to ensure that physiotherapy supports align with the evolving needs and goals of individuals.
  • Provides tips and recommendations for maximizing the benefits of NDIS physiotherapy supports, such as maintaining open communication with the chosen physiotherapy provider and actively participating in the planning and decision-making process.
  • Highlights the potential positive outcomes of accessing NDIS physiotherapy support, including improved physical function, enhanced quality of life, and increased independence for individuals with disabilities.
  • Provides resources and recommendations for individuals seeking further information and support regarding NDIS physiotherapy services.

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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a program designed to help people with disabilities achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

One of the crucial components of NDIS is physiotherapy, which can provide much-needed support to individuals with physical disabilities, chronic conditions, and brain injuries. In this article, we'll answer some common questions about NDIS physiotherapy, including whether NDIS pays for it, what it entails, and what therapies are covered. We'll also provide some tips for finding an NDIS physiotherapy provider, such as Physio Inq

Does NDIS pay for physiotherapy?

Yes, NDIS can pay for physiotherapy as part of its funding scheme for eligible participants. The amount of funding available will depend on the participant's individual needs, goals, and plan. NDIS funding for physiotherapy can cover a range of services, including assessment, treatment, and ongoing support.

There are many NDIS physiotherapy providers available, including Physio Inq, that are registered with NDIS and able to provide tailored services to eligible participants. These providers can work with participants to develop a treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and goals.

What is NDIS physiotherapy?

NDIS physiotherapy is a type of physiotherapy that is tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities. It involves assessment, treatment, and ongoing support to help participants achieve their goals and improve their physical function. NDIS physiotherapy providers, such as Physio Inq, have expertise in working with individuals with physical disabilities, chronic conditions, brain injuries and much more. Some of the services provided by NDIS physiotherapy providers include:

* Assessment of physical function, mobility, and strength

* Development of treatment plans that address individual needs and goals

* Implementation of physiotherapy interventions, such as exercises, stretches, and manual therapy

* Monitoring of progress and adjustments to treatment plans as needed

*Provision of ongoing support and education to participants and their families

Who is eligible for NDIS physiotherapy?

To be eligible for NDIS physiotherapy, individuals must be an NDIS participant and have a plan that includes funding for physiotherapy. Participants must also have a physical disability, chronic condition, or brain injury that impacts their physical function.

Services provided by NDIS physiotherapy providers, such as Physio Inq, are aimed at helping participants achieve their goals and improve their physical function. These goals may include improving mobility, reducing pain, increasing strength, and improving overall physical function.

Can I use core funding for physiotherapy?

Yes, NDIS participants can use their core funding for physiotherapy services. Core funding is intended to cover the supports that participants need on an ongoing basis, such as daily living activities and social and community participation. Physiotherapy can be considered a core support if it is needed on an ongoing basis to support the participant's physical function.

It's important for participants to work with their support coordinators or plan managers to ensure that their funding is allocated appropriately and covers their physiotherapy needs. This can help ensure that participants receive the necessary support to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

What therapies are covered under NDIS?

NDIS provides funding for a range of therapies and services, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, exercise physiology and more. These therapies are intended to help participants achieve their goals and improve their physical, social, and emotional functions. These services can also help participants achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

One important thing to note is that not all physiotherapy services are covered under the NDIS. Only services that are deemed "reasonable and necessary" to support


Physio Inq: A Registered NDIS Provider

One of the main challenges faced by NDIS participants seeking physiotherapy services is finding a registered NDIS provider that can offer tailored services to their unique needs. Physio Inq is a registered NDIS provider that offers a wide range of physiotherapy services to eligible participants.

Physio Inq has a team of experienced and qualified in-home and mobile physiotherapists who are skilled in working with individuals with physical disabilities, chronic conditions, and brain injuries. They can work with participants to develop a treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and goals, and provide ongoing support to help them achieve their objectives.

Along with physiotherapy, Physio Inq can also aid in managing NDIS funding and connect with our other allied health professionals, including occupational therapists, speech therapists & exercise physiologists.

To make an appointment or referral with Physio Inq, individuals can visit our website or contact their friendly team directly. They can answer any questions and help participants get started on their physiotherapy journey.

NDIS physiotherapy is an essential service that can help individuals with physical disabilities, chronic conditions, and brain injuries achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. NDIS funding can cover a range of physiotherapy services, including assessment, treatment, and ongoing support.

Participants can use their core funding for physiotherapy services if it is considered necessary to support their physical function. They can also work with their support coordinators or plan managers to ensure their funding is allocated appropriately.

It's important to note that not all physiotherapy services are covered under the NDIS, and only services that are deemed "reasonable and necessary" will be funded. Participants can work with registered NDIS providers like Physio Inq to access tailored services that meet their unique needs and goals.

With the right support and guidance, NDIS participants can access the physiotherapy services they need to maintain their physical health and wellbeing. Physio Inq is an NDIS-approved provider that offers a range of physiotherapy services to eligible participants, including in-home physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, and exercise physiology.

If you or someone you know is an NDIS participant in need of physiotherapy services, consider reaching out to Physio Inq for expert care and support. They can help participants achieve their goals and live life to the fullest.

Date Published: Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Jonathan Moody


About The Author

Hi! I'm Jonathan Moody

Jonathan Moody is an experienced owner, investor, practitioner and educator of Allied Health businesses, learning many lessons from both his successes and failures in the heath space. As the strategic leader at Physio lnq, Jonathan is big on collaboration, through empowering staff to chase their passion and use Physio Inq as a vehicle to do it. He hopes to position Physio lnq as the benchmark of high quality, patient orientated and clinician connected healthcare into the future. Combine this with a keen interest in Technology and IT, Jonathan has at his core, a passion for innovation, progress and driving change.


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