Clipless Pedals Part 3 | Positioning Cleats for Clipless Pedals

Originally Published Mar 8, 2021

In this series of articles, I’m going to discuss clipless pedals! Part 1 was about why you should use clipless pedals (hint: for performance and comfort!); Part 2 went into more detail about types of cleats for clipless pedals including of the amount of “float” available; Part 3 will now into how to position your cycling cleats for optimal power and to avoid risk of injury.

Now that you have your clipless pedals, shoes & cleats, you’re asking “How do I position the cleats on my shoe?”

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Getting cleats in the right spot is a tricky process and makes a huge difference to power output as well as avoiding injury. Honestly, seeing someone for a Bike Fit is the best way to make sure cleat position is dialled in correctly.

In this video I go into detail about how to position your cycling cleats.

It’s about getting the angle right in each foot with these steps:

  1. Remove your cleats from your cycling shoes
  2. Find and mark the ball of your foot while you’re wearing your cycling socks and cycling shoes
  3. Take the shoes off and continue to mark a line along the sole
  4. Line the mark with the point on the cleat where the pedal axle will be while you’re riding

If you want more guidance on how to improve your cycling performance or comfort or move better after a cycling injury, book in with me for a Cycling Functional Assessment, Cycling Injury Physiotherapy Consultation, or Bike Fit. Find out more about Bike Fits here.


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