ITB Syndrome | Runners Knee

Originally Published Oct 22, 2019

ITB syndrome, or runner’s knee, (previously called ITB friction syndrome) will give you pain on the outside of the knee. Our physiotherapists frequently diagnose and treat this condition based on your individual history, goals and some manual tests.

Engadine Physio Runners Knee Pain

What is ITB syndrome?

We now know that ITB syndrome:

  • Is a compression injury NOT a friction injury.
  • Causes pain from the compression of highly sensitive tissue beneath the ITB.
  • People find it surprising that it’s not due to having a tight ITB. Actually, the ITB needs to be tight to do its job of energy storage and return (plyometrics).

Who’s at risk?

Sudden changes in load “too much too soon” is a common reason for the onset of ITB pain. Deficits such as poor hip control, and external factors such as doing trail running, can also increase your risk of injury. 

  • Men more than women
  • Novice more than long term runners
  • Increasing load too quickly
  • Downhill runners
  • Runners with a narrow stance
  • Runners with a low cadence
  • Trail runners more that road runners due to having a narrow stance width, and running downhill more!

Treatment of Runners Knee

Our physiotherapists can help you through a treatment plan that involves:

  1. Modifying loading
  2. Modifying foam rolling technique
  3. Exercises like split squats and plyometrics. I show you some in this video:
  • Then we would guide you through a specific plan to increase training (cadence, step width, hills & trails) by around 10% weekly.

If you’re worried that you may have developed runner’s knee, our Physio Inq physiotherapists  can help with a specialised treatment plan just for you.

Call us today or book online for your next appointment. We look forward to helping you move better and live a life with less limits!


The information provided on this blog is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog.

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