Physio InqPhysio Inq

The 7 Secrets to Starting a Physiotherapy Business

Ready to unlock the secrets to a successful physiotherapy business?


In this ebook,

you will discover

Laying the Groundwork

Delve into the crucial first steps of setting up your business, including developing your business plan, understanding market research, and defining your unique selling proposition.

Legal and Financial Basics

Get insights into the legal requirements, financial planning, and insurance needs of your new venture.

Building Your Brand

Learn how to craft an impactful brand that resonates with your target audience and stands out in the competitive market.

The Perfect Location

Understand the factors that contribute to choosing the ideal location for your physiotherapy practice.

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About The Author

Jonathan Moody, CEO and Franchisor of Physio Inq, is a seasoned professional in the realm of Allied Health businesses. With over two decades of robust experience as a business owner, investor, practitioner, and educator, Jonathan has acquired invaluable lessons from both his successes and challenges. His tenure has seen him navigate the ever-changing landscape of the health space, solidifying his reputation as a true pioneer in the industry. 

As the strategic leader at Physio Inq, Jonathan places a high premium on collaboration. His approach empowers his team to follow their passion and utilise Physio Inq as their conduit to achieving their professional goals. His vision is to firmly position Physio Inq as the gold standard in high-quality, patient-oriented, and clinician-connected healthcare for the future. 

Jonathan’s keen interest in technology and IT complements his central passion for innovation and progress. He continually seeks to drive change in the industry, aiming to create a healthier and more connected world. With Jonathan at the helm, Physio Inq continues to break new ground, pushing the boundaries of traditional healthcare, and paving the way for future innovators.